Why Are Genitals Censored In Japanese Pornography?

If you ever came across censored porn with Asian actors, you can trust that it came from Japan. Don’t get it all wrong, though — that doesn’t mean that Japan is an extremely moral country. They are, of course, but to an extent.

Their roots tell us that they were always quite open when it comes to all things sexual, but things radically changed after Western countries paid them a visit. Now you can go to prison for showing some genitals, but that isn’t the case for breasts. Free the nipple!

Regardless of partial nudity being illegal, the porn industry in Japan is well and thriving. They market to other countries, too!

Why Is Japanese Porn Unique?

It doesn’t take a lot to realize what makes Japanese porn so different from the rest. You’ll be able to pinpoint it after taking the very first glance at it. You’re right — we’re talking about censored porn.

This isn’t something you’ll often come across when looking at western porn. People are usually down to see other people’s genitals and every piece of action that goes down. In fact, many individuals are actually turned on by that and look for nothing else. They don’t care about positions, genders of actors, or even the plot of these porn videos.

If you’ve never seen Japanese adult videos, however, you might wonder why porn would have anything censored. What’s the point if you can’t see anything? Well, there’s much more to it than meets the eye. Censoring of the genitals happens even in hentai, which is Japanese animated porn.

Another thing that differentiates this kind of porn is they usually feature younger women and older men. They aren’t strangers to various plots, public sex, or some kinks either. You can find just about anything, except the view might not be the same.

This type of porn is excellent for people who enjoy the sensuality of the act of sex itself. Those that don’t care to have a close-up on someone else’s genitals. So, we’d say that Japanese porn is a great way to introduce yourself to the adult entertainment industry. Besides, uncensored versions of almost everything exist as well.

The Japanese Legal System

So, why censor genitals then? Believe it or not, it all started at the very beginning of the 20th century.

The Japanese Criminal Code went through a revision. A new Act 175 was passed, stating that any distribution or depiction of obscene or indecent images is strictly forbidden. Yup, it’s illegal to share anything that Japan considers improper or perverse. Breaking this law can get you up to two years in prison, followed by a fine of around $23.500.

Clearly, this law needs another revision because the adult entertainment industry has found a way around it. They simply blur out anything that they shouldn’t show in the first place. Not only that, but the internet is a vast place. That makes it nearly impossible to catch people distributing even the uncensored videos. Marketing to countries other than Japan helps quite a lot as well.

Why Are Breasts Not Blurred?

To answer this question, we have to dive into the past of Japanese pornography. Before the Western countries came to preach morality, Japan was actually quite progressive and open about all things sexual.

Back in the day, Japan had traditional erotica by the name of shunga. You could see all kinds of things there, including the beginnings of the tentacle fetish. However, shunga went through a lot, and it too became illegal.

What you can notice, though, is that usually only the genitals were exposed in shunga. People were rarely freeing their nipples on these paintings, no matter their gender. In fact, they were usually fully clad. That tells us that Japan never sexualized boobs, and never has. People were strutting around naked in communal baths way before the 19th century.

That explains why you can see the Japanese women’s breasts, but their private parts are always in pixels, unless you find a different version, of course.

Japanese Porn Is Still Popular Regardless

Still, none of this takes a toll on the Japanese adult entertainment industry. This category of porn is still quite popular, and there are quite a few valid reasons for that.

Japanese pornography features incredibly entertaining and exciting plots, showing us just how creative people can be. Not to mention that there’s something incredibly sensual and seductive about blurred genitals, right? We’d definitely say so.

To top it all off, Japanese porn actors and actresses are quite attractive and beautiful as well. That said, we can’t find a single thing wrong about this kind of porn, and neither can you, we are sure of it.


We think that blurred genitals don’t take away from the excitement of porn. Clearly, a lot can be done to make porn appealing to the masses, besides showing someone’s naughty bits. Of course, it all depends on the preference.

Japan’s erotic industry has gone through a lot after it came into contact with the West. Yet, this nation remains quite open about all things erotic. Many kinks came from their traditional erotica, so we do need to thank them for it. That’s true even though they pixel some parts out.

If you’ve never seen Japanese porn, we encourage you to give it a try. You might even start liking it more than Western porn because there’s more to it than just genitals.